Been editing video and typing so many hours on end, I had to hunt down my arm brace (I used to use this in the course of my dead day-job, years ago… still comes in "handy" sometimes).

So swamped, I have not been able to get as much done on the launch of my online clothing stores (Staci-Style, and Net-Frocks). I do have some vintage items at the dry cleaners, ordered my hangtags, and got my mannequin. It's still in the box in the living room, but hopefully I can set it up before I have to leave for Comic-Con, dress it up, take pictures (we're talking hundreds), then get the stores online by early August.

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I've made a couple of non-junket related on-camera appearances lately. I'm in the extras for the Parasomnia DVD (U.S. debut in July), interviewing the filmmakers and talent… the movie was shot before I settled on my signature blue streak! So weird to see (prior to that, I was playing with colored ends, colored underneath, etc., with blue, pink, and violet… but in the video I'm just a plain ol' redhead. Boring… and so dark. I must have been experimenting with shades… my real, natural tone is a light reddish gold).

My other "guest spot" is in the lovely and talented Terrance Zdunich's The Tutor art lessons. Here are a couple of screen-grabs… Too bad The Tudors is wrapped, I could have done a crossover appearance as Staci Of Cleaves.

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Been keeping busy doing my usual red carpets and junkets…
Suicide Girls Must Die!

Saturn Awards


Despicable Me

Love Ranch

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

The above pics are from a little "stand up" intro I did, but I had to pretend like I was holding a magical, glowing and morphing globe as I was talking, then "throw" it at the camera. The visuals will all be added later. While I don't reckon it's too conceited to say I think I am pretty good at winging it in ANY situation ("fake it, till you make it," is my motto) … it's not being too hard on myself to say I would be a terrible, terrible actor. I have the worst grasp on memorization of lines, and having to actually speak and do certain, pre-determined moves at the same time? I am hopeless. I had to do about six takes! I can't wait to see the video when they send it to me. Ha! Still, I had fun with it… we laughed all the way through my flubs.
Another junket tomorrow, red carpets next week... silly me: I keep thinking I'm going to have some me-time (not that I'd know what to do with that, anyway. Although, I am actually about halfway through a novel I am reading for other reason than I want to!).
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Surprisingly, I have found a little time for photo-taking — I took a BUNCH of the black 3000GT (also, a funny road sign… typical downtown L.A. madness!). Plus, sweet Tony and me enjoyed a few hours at Madame Tussaud's last week. For only $20, it's a helluva lot cheaper than renting a set (the figures were fun, but there are a lot many alcoves and stairwells that are LOCATION GOLDMINES! So awesome).

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I started a Twitter for — there are three of us posting to it, so hopefully it'll help drive some more traffic to the site.

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Been trying to keep up on my artiness. I may catch a Women Photographers Exhibit at MoCA soon. Cool Coralina has a solo exhibit of her art happening in July, but it's in New York. I wish I could go. I miss Manhattan SO MUCH. But, I can't afford to go unless I'm sent for work. And it's been quite a while. - BTW, this image is printable, so if readers in NYC want to print it and present it to MATILDA'S where the art will be showing they can get 20% off their dinner. It's valid from July 15 to September 30, 2010.
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I think that brings me up to date for this little online journal and memory-eBook. This is mostly just for me and IRL friends; my other blog is truly my priority.
Parasomnia DVD Giveaway
The Tutor Website's Twitter
And, on top of all the video coverage for Syfy Channel, TV-Wire/AOL, and good old, I also have the following movie reviews online or at the tips of my fingers: Sisters, Suicide Girls Must Die!, Centurion, Love Ranch, The Blood-Spattered Bride, Dracula (Spanish version), Mad Love, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Predators, Fragile, Tomb of Liegia, Grimm Love, Pig Hunt, and The Haunting.
Photo Galleries Added or Updated:
Another Day, Another Dressing Room
Tony & Staci Wax Museum Shenanigans
Tony's Pics of Me in Alcoves & Stairwells
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